Prospectus for The TimeWork Web

The TimeWork Web is a research project designed to take maximum advantage of the capabilities of hypertext and the Internet. The project focuses on the potential for, and resistence to, substantially reducing average work time.

This prospectus is being presented to the public for the purpose of attracting sponsors, subscribers and collaborators for the TimeWork Web project. It is based on an original research proposal submitted to a provincial government ministry. Although the ministry is not funding the research, they evaluated the proposal highly and have offered to provide references where appropriate.

The results of the research will be made available to the public for the purposes of formulating policy, advancing scholarship and freeing people's time and creativity. It is proposed that the project be funded as knowledge shareware or "know ware". If successful, this model could offer an alternative for funding innovative social policy research.

Over time, a licensing policy will be developed and explained on this page. It is anticipated that the policy will outline the obligations of people who use the information presented in the TimeWork Web for business or institutional purposes -- including government policy making, formal education, consulting or journalism. The licensing policy will also outline additional services and benefits available to sponsors and subscribers.

A possible method of funding this research project could involve the preparation of, and linking to sponsor pages. If you or your organization are interested in becoming a TimeWork Web sponsor, I want to hear from you.

A proposed outcome of this research project is a course (or courses) in work time issues and Internet research methods. If you are a university, college or high school teacher interested in using TimeWork Web courseware, I want to hear from you.

Although this site will continue to be available for members of the public to peruse and explore, we welcome individual expressions of support (and we'll be thinking of ways of providing exclusive value-added services and features to subscribers). If you are interested in becoming a TimeWork Web subscriber, I want to hear from you.

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