Bibliography: Technology, Unemployment and Work Time

Please note: This bibliography is a work in progress. More sources (I have another sixty on hand), annotation and classification will be added over time.
  1. Adler, Paul S. (1992) Technology and the future of work. New York: Oxford University Press.

  2. Akyeampon, Ernest B. (1993) "Flexible Work Arrangements" in Perspectives on Labour and Income. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, cat 75-001, Autumn, pp.17-22.

  3. Appelbaum, Eileen. (1990) Labor market adjustments to structural change and technological progress. New York: Praeger.

  4. Aronowitz, Stanley and William DiFazio. (1994) The Jobless Future. (Review of The Jobless Future) University of Minnesota Press

  5. Barou, Y. and J. Rigaudiat. (1983) Les 35 heures et l'emploi. collection Pluralisme, Paris: La Documentation Francaise.

  6. Barnet, Richard J. (1993) "The end of jobs: Employment is one thing the global economy is not creating." Harper's, v.287, no.1720, .47-52.

  7. Bell, David A. (1984) Employment in the age of drastic change: the future with robots. Tunbridge Wells, Kent: Abacus Press.

  8. Benhimadu, Prem. Hours of Work: Trends and Attitudes in Canada. Ottawa: Conference Board of Canada.

  9. Bessant, J. R. & Cole, Sam. (1985) Stacking the chips: information technology and the distribution of income. London: Frances Pinter ; Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld.

  10. Best, Fred. (1973) The future of work. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall.

  11. Block, Fred L. (1990) Postindustrial possibilities: a critique of economic discourse. Berkeley: University of California Press.

  12. Bosh, Gerhard, Peter Dawkings and Francois Michon (eds) (1994) Times are changing: Working Time in 14 industrialized countries. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies.

  13. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. (1984) The Future of Work: People & Technology: proceedings of the conference "Concerning Work", Winnipeg, Manitoba October 21 and 22, 1983. Conference Concerning Work (1983: Winnipeg, Man.). Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

  14. Canadian Council on Social Development. (1989) The Future of Work: national forum proceedings National Forum on the Future of Work. Ottawa: Canadian Council of Social Development.

  15. Canadian Council on Social Development. & Employment and Immigration Canada (Dept.). Strategic Policy and Planning. (1989) The Future of work" National Forum proceedings. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development.

  16. Canadian Council on Social Development. (1989) The Future of work project: final report. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development.

  17. Canadian Council on Social Development. (1989) The Future of work: consultation report: summary of local consultations held on the future of work. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development .

  18. George Church. (1993) "Jobs in an age of insecurity." Time, November 22, 1993, pp. 24-28.

  19. Clark, Robert. (1977) Adjusting hours to increase jobs : an analysis of the options Washington: National Commission for Manpower Policy.

  20. European Community. (1993) White Paper on Employment

  21. Fortin,-Bernard (1989) "Une reduction de la semaine legale de travail augmente-t-elle la demande de travailleurs? (Does a Reduction of the Legal Work Week Increase the Demand for Labour? With English summary.)" L'Actualite-Economique; 65(3),September 1989, pages 423-43.

  22. Freeman,-Chris; Soete,-Luc. (1994) Work for all or mass unemployment? Computerised technical change into the twenty-first century. New York: St. Martin's Press.

  23. Futures. June (1993), Special issue on the future of work.

  24. Gill, Colin. (1985) Work, unemployment, and the new technology. New York : Basil Blackwell.

  25. Gorz, Andre. (1982) Farewell to the working class : an essay on post-industrial socialism. London : Pluto.

  26. Handy, Charles B. (1984) The future of work: a guide to a changing society. Oxford: Blackwell.

  27. Hellfach, Judith C. (1977) The future of work. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

  28. Human Resources Development Canada. (1994) eport of the Advisory Group on Working Time and the Distribution of Work. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada.

  29. Jones, Barry O. (1990) Sleepers, wake!: technology and the future of work. Melbourne; New York: Oxford University Press.

  30. Kaplinsky, Raphael. (1987) Micro-electronics and employment revisited: a review. Geneva: International Labour Office.

  31. Katsoulacos, Y. S. (1986) The employment effect of technical change: a theoretical study of new technology and the labour markets. Brighton: Wheatsheaf.

  32. Kiechel, Walter. (1993) "How we will work in the year 2000." Fortune. May 17, pp.38-52.

  33. Labich, Kenneth. (1993) "The New Unemployed." Fortune March 8, p.p. 40-49.

  34. Labor Research Association. (1942) The History of the Shorter Workday. New York: International Publishers.

  35. Leach, Donald. & Wagstaff, Howard. (1986) Future employment and technological change.London: Kogan Page.

  36. Lerner, Sally. (1994) "The Future of Work." Futures, March 1994.(An earlier version of this article appeared in Technology and Work in Canada, edited by Scott Bennett, Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1990)

  37. Levitan, Sar A and Richard S. Belous. (1977) Shorter hours, shorter weeks: spreading the work to reduce unemployment. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

  38. Magnet, Myron. (1993) "Why job growth is stalled." Fortune. March 8 p.51-58.

  39. Marstrand, Pauline. (1984) New technology and the future of work and skills. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Section X. London ; Dover, N.H.: F. Pinter.

  40. McCarthy, Eugene J., 1916- and McGaughey, William. Nonfinancial economics: the case for shorter hours of work. New York : Praeger, 1989.

  41. Mears, Jan. (1988) The Future of work: starting a national discussion. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development.

  42. O'Hara, Bruce. (1993) Working harder isn't working : how we can save the environment, the economy, and our sanity by working less and enjoying life more. (Review of Working Harder isn't Working) Vancouver : New Star Books.

  43. OECD. (1994) OECD societies in transition: the future of work and leisure. Paris: OECD.

  44. OECD. (1994) The OECD Jobs Study: Facts, Analysis, Strategies. Paris: OECD.

  45. Osberg, Lars. (1988) The future of work in Canada: selected policy options. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development.Owen, John D. (1989) Reduced working hours: cure for unemployment or economic burden? Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press.

  46. Pahl, R. E. (1988) On work : historical, comparative and theoretical approaches. Oxford, OX, UK; New York, N.Y., U.S.A.; B. Blackwell.

  47. Parker, Stanley Robert. (1971) The future of work and leisure. London: MacGibbon and Kee.

  48. Picot, G.; Myles, J; & Wannell, T. (1990) Good Jobs/Bad Jobs and the Declining Middle: 1967-1986. Statistics Canada.

  49. Riebel, Volker. (1984)"Arbeitszeitverkurzung und Schwarzarbeit. Auswirkungen einer Verkurzung der Wochenarbeitszeit auf das individuelle Arbeitsangebot." (Shorter Work Week and Moonlighting. Effects of a Reduction of Work Week on Individual Labour Supply. With English summary.) Zeitschrift - fur - Wirtschafts - und - Sozialwissenschaften; 104(5), pages 515-38.

  50. Rifkin, Jeremy. (1995) The End of Work: the decline of the global labor force and the dawn of the post-market era(Review of The End of Work). New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons.

  51. Robertson, James. (1985) Future work: jobs, self-employment, and leisure after the industrial age. Aldershot: Gower/Maurice Temple Smith.

  52. Schor, Juliet B. (1991) The Overworked American: the unexpected decline of leisure (Review of The Overworked American). New York: Basic Books, .

  53. Simai, Mihaly. (1995) Global employment: an international investigation into the future of work. London: Zed Books

  54. Stanworth, John. & Stanworth, Celia. (1991) Work 2000: the future for industry, employment and society. London: P. Chapman Pub.

  55. Utne Reader. (1995) May/June issue: After Work.

  56. van-Ginneken,Wouter. (1984) "Employment and the Reduction of the Work Week: A Comparison of Seven European Macro-Economic Models." International-Labour-Review; 123(1), January-February 1984, pages 35-52.

  57. Vanaudenrode-MA. (?) "Short-Time Compensation, Job Security, and Employment Contracts - Evidence from Selected OECD Countries." Journal Of Political Economy.

  58. Vanier Institute of the Family. (1981) The Future of work: a contribution to the public debate on Canada's future: proceedings. Windsor Castle. St. George's House. Ottawa: Vanier Institute of the Family.

  59. Victor, Kirk. (1994) "Working Shorter." National Journal, Jan. 15 1994, v 26 n 3, p. 119.

  60. Watts, A. G. (1983) Education, unemployment and the future of work. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

  61. Whaples,-Robert-MacDonald. (1990) The Shortening of the American Work Week: An Economic and Historical Analysis of Its Context, Causes, and Consequences. University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. Dissertation.

  62. Williams, Shirley. (1985) A job to live: the impact of tomorrow's technology on work and society. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

  63. Wood, Stephen G. (1989) The Transformation of Work?: skill, flexibility and the labour process. London ; Boston: Unwin Hyman.

  64. Yalnizyan, Armine; T. Ran Ide and Arthur J. Cordell. (1994) Shifting time: social policy and the future of work. Toronto :Between the Lines.

  65. Yates, Michael. (1994) Longer hours, fewer jobs : employment and unemployment in the United States . New York: Monthly Review Press.

  66. Zuboff, Shoshana. (1988) In the age of the smart machine: the future of work and power. New York: Basic Books.